…ated responses to transnational threats. The exercise reinforces strategic communication themes by stressing common interests, cooperative solutions, and long term security aimed at ensuring prosperity and democratic ideals. It is sponsored by U.S. Southern Command and is designed and executed by participating nations,” said Chief Warrant Officer John D. Toliver, J39 Information Operations Branch Chief. Panamax 2014 was slated to run from August 8…

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…d development , high levels of school failure, the weakening of family and community life, a lack of opportunities and unemployment: Uruguayan children of incarcerated parents suffer their own form of punishment . So argued Andrés López Reilly in El País of Montevideo , insisting that t he testimony of young Uruguayans reveal s how that world can become a kind of hell for a child. A report submitted to the Municipality of Montevideo, sponsored by…

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…cently reached agreements with the Paris Club of creditors and Spanish oil company Repsol on compensation for the takeover of YPF. “In the end, the likes of NML may well be merely pursuing their legitimate rights. And in the eyes of the US courts, they’re legally right. The moral side of the case, however, is quite a different story.” What Now? The Contest of Wills Continues The Argentine government is not backing down. Valor Econômico of Sã…

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…in areas with raw sewage and inadequate sanitation . And it explains why a completely preventable disease like malaria kills about 600,000 people a year ; many are too poor to buy drugs and bed nets , while governments lack the budget to eradicate the insects that transmit the disease or treat outbreaks in a timely manner . However, some of the most lethal problems have to do with the environment and the atmosphere . According to the World Health…

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…ting the amnesty law that indemnifies members of the military who may have committed human rights violations during the military dictatorship. So wrote Gabriel Brito and Paulo Silva Junior in Correio da Cidadania of São Paulo . What is more, now young activists are using tactics of protest pioneered in Argentina in the 1990s. The Levante Popular da Juventude has brought the “escrache” to Brazil. Escrache is a term used in Argentina, Paraguay, Urug…

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…lin Nicolás Bedoya wrote that Drummond Ltd. and Swiss multinational mining company Glencore were accused by PAX of financing paramilitary groups responsible for 2,600 homicides, massacres, forced displacements, and disappearances in the state of César. Drummond Ltd. Colombia released a 23-page response to the allegations, arguing that PAX’s report relied on the “convicted mass murderers who contradicted their own statements repeatedly.” The mining…

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…least expects it ,” he said. Since 2005, when voters rejected a referendum that proposed to prohibit civilians from buying guns and ammunition , the government has relied more on a disarmament campaign to combat spiraling violence. The buyback pays $200 to anyone who surrenders a weapon. But many of the 600,000 weapons turned over the last decade are old guns that criminals don’t want….

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…then its program of buying back privately-owned land claimed by indigenous communities. The Mapuche represent 600,000 of Chile’s 17 million inhabitants and are largely clustered in the country’s central-south region, one of its poorest regions and home to much of its forestry and paper industry. Shannon Marie Hazlitt and Sam Edwards described in The Santiago Times how 50,000 teachers marched in Santiago (part of a total of 150,000 nati…

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…an Rights Watch. HRW claims that judicial officers of Venezuela “have been complicit in abuses committed by members of the security forces .” Among the alleged excesses have been violent beatings of unarmed citizens , rubber bullets fired at close range at people who had been arrested, people forced to squat or kneel without moving for long periods, and the use of electric shocks . “In some cases the se abuses clearly constituted torture ,” said t…

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…José noted that in Brazil’s World Cup host cities many visitors have come looking for underage prostitutes. An estimated 600,000 foreigners are about to descend on Brazil for the World Cup, which opens June 12, and the authorities worry that the influx will bring an increase in sex tourism and child prostitution. Prostitution is legal in Brazil for people over eighteen years of age. No official statistics on underage prostitutes exist in Bra…

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