…sted the Ninth World Economic Forum for Latin America, and expected to host 600 leaders from government, industry, civil society, and academia from over fifty countries, there to analyze the challenges facing the region. In La Prensa of Panama City Roberto González Jiménez reported that among those participating in the forum would be presidents Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico), Atifete Jahjaga (Kosovo), Laura Chinchilla (Costa Rica), Otto Pérez Molina…

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…o El Dorado airport in Bogotá. Óscar Murillo, the company’s general manager, noted that currently only four companies in Colombia exported trout, so it is clear that “the real competition comes from Peruvian and Chilean companies, which have been established from many years, and now also from Turkey.”…

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…s of youngsters who will benefit from the PROGRESAR program that involves a 600-pesos cash payment to 18-24 year olds. “What do I expect from those who don’t need the plan, the effort that we all do this because these are state public funds, from traders, providers? Because these kids will have to buy supplies (to study), books,” the head of state replied as she went on to introduce the case of a businessman in the Mar del Plata City, the owner of…

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…recruitment of foreign health professionals for the program. The statement comes just four days after Ramona Matos Rodriguez, a Cuban doctor and participant in More Doctors, defected from the program and sought asylum in Brazil over what she claimed was an unfair paycheck for her work in the Pará town of Pacajá in the Amazon. “I think I was fooled by Cuba. They did not tell me that Brazil would be paying R$10,000 for the service of foreign doctors…

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…e downsized. Drivers will become self-employed, leasing a vehicle from the company at a daily rate, according to the resolutions published in the official Gazette. “The idea is to eliminate irregularities in the service, the stealing of fares and reduce inflated administrative payrolls,” said Debora Canela Pina, a transportation ministry specialist at Cubadebate, an official on-line news site. Cubataxi drivers are notorious for not using their met…

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…cated and said: “I ​​live in a Colombian town; how do we join?” Despite some setbacks, the town is moving steadily toward its goal, yet it has a way to go. Pijao does not have a sewage system or potable water. But it could become “a tourist paradise,” though one for travelers “looking for quiet and unexplored natural destinations.” Mónica insists that it can’t become a place for “mass tourism” that is disrespectful of nature and local tradition…

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…those responsible for repression during the military years, and the Truth Commission, created in 2012, which is looking into records of the time, is advancing at a crawling pace. But whatever the commission findings they will have a limited impact since a 1979 Amnesty Law, drafted by the military regime for their exit is still in force and protects the alleged abusers from prosecution. MercoPress also noted President Dilma Rousseff’s personal exp…

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…rst metro line that is supposed to be ready in 2018. More than 200 Spanish companies are located in Bogotá and, it is hoped, can serve as a platform for development of different sectors. To this end the Colombian government is focusing its efforts on promoting innovation, development, and research in their capital, and will host the next Biotechnology BIOLATAM forum, for which 80 Spanish companies are already registered. “Biotechnology is a big be…

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…wth of the Mexican population in New York outperforms the other five large communities by two major factors: the large scale immigration since the 1990s and the high birth rate among Mexican women, compared with Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Colombians and Ecuadorians. The study notes, however, that economically, Mexicans were the only community to post a decline in its average revenue per dwelling, or 28% between 1990 and 2010. The study stresses th…

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…cheme would supposedly generate. “Nor has it been explained whether this income, which would begin in the fifth year of operation, will be obtained now through advanced sales, as has been done with Chinese companies exploiting other Ecuadorian oilfields.” The president has tried to convince young people that the government had made every effort to ensure that the original proposal was successful, but that the drilling was now needed. Yet young Ecu…

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