…r with a focus on rehabilitating the city center which has fallen victim to vandalism. Another concern is general security in the city. Tourism is an important industry in Bogotá, composed of 3,600 companies, providing 30,000 direct and 80,000 indirect jobs, which led to 8.7 million visitors in 2015 alone.  …

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The three countries pledged to support one another economically and technologically in their collective fight against organized crime in a new international coalition. El Espectador of Bogotá reported that the three countries came to an agreement during the 2016 Central American Security Conference, which saw 13 countries in total participate in security-based discussion in San José, after Costa Rica made the initial proposal. The Costa Rican Min…

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…orical terms. The data released last month shows that the slowdown among income classes was spread out evenly, which kept with the predicted level of inflation from February. However, the lowest level income bracket is still forecasting a higher inflation for the next 12 months: 11.7%. Overall, the inflation projection forecasts are expected to decrease over the next year. For those earning between R $4,800 and R $9,600, forecasts are indicating i…

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…ion for their demonstration the next day. The plan they came up with would come to be called the “Turtle Plan.” The taxi drivers intentionally created congestion in certain areas of the city in order to slow transit. The Bogotá Metropolitan Police, however, reported normal mobility in the city except in the areas of Avenida Boyacá Américas, Highway 124, and North Avenue. The authorities simply recommended that drivers use alternate routes. In one…

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…o de Mineria (FILPM) was held from February 17th to 29th, exhibiting around 600 publishing stamps and 1,525 activities, including youth days and programs presented by Chihuahua state guest. The official count of attendees was 152,129 people in 13 days, almost 10,000 more than last year. Niza Rivera reported in Proceso Magazine of Mexico that among the books presented were: Que sean fuego las estrallas (May the Stars be Fire) by Paco Ignacio Taibo…

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…am not going to bow down to that extortion. House arrest is for those who committed genocide. I have committed no crime and I only accept freedom.” A street girl, Milagro’s militancy began the first time she was in prison, after a scuffle with the police. There she organized a hunger strike, which resulted in successfully allowing prisoners to cook for themselves, at the same cost and with better nutrition. Upon her release, she secured employmen…

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…tional report, beyond gender discrimination, is violence against the LGBTI community globally. This phenomenon can be traced through medical documents where many instances of forced sterilizations, in countries such as Mexico, have come to light. As a result of the report, Amnesty International is demanding that Latin American governments show greater care and responsibility to prevent violence against women in these areas of health and reproducti…

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…ations for the promotion of public policies, programs and joint projects. The objectives are to protect youth rights and duties, and the promotion of public policies for integral development. The plan is composed of State obligations relating to comprehensive and quality health care, as well as the formulation of programs of preventive, curative, and nutritional health, among others….

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…of the budgeted aid with the intention of influencing the Dominican Republic’s authorities to further investigate the murder of Taiwanese ambassador Julia Ou, who was stabbed to death in the Dominican Republic in April, 2012. Chen Shih-kuei, the head of the Overseas Compatriot Affairs Commission allegedly told legislators that Dominican authorities were not actively trying to solve the case. Under this resolution, the total frozen NT$20 million i…

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…ment has lost control of what goes on within the prison, and that it has become a space for abuse, extortion and financial gain. It is now at the mercy of criminal gangs and corrupt officials. Unfortunately, Topo Chico is a microcosm of Mexico’s prison system as a whole. It is curious that the number of inmates killed was more than that of the number injured, as it is usually the other way around in situations like this. In the past ten year…

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