…ssional meeting, it was determined that Broad Front will now be considered completely separate from Land and Liberty, but the two will not be equally considered as parties. Land and Liberty will remain a political party while Broad Front will instead serve as a political front, which “will accommodate different people’s organizations: associations, unions, neighborhood organizations, regional fronts, parties, movements and independent activi…

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…gasoline subsidy for Venezuelan families and public transportation; 6) the completion of the national transportation census; 7) a goal of complete deficit elimination; 8) an increment to 16% on luxury taxes; and 9) only one type of fluctuating exchange rate anchored to the petro. In his analysis of Maduro’s “late-stage transition towards a new economic model… [and a] new Venezuela,” Negrete observes that PRECP is oriented more towards controlling…

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…bmitting to legal authorities. The leader of the Urabeños—known as Otoniel—commands a criminal group with over 500 members located in the jungle of Urabá, Colombia. After years of leading the criminal group, recent developments have forced the Urabeños to consider demobilizing. Under former President Álvaro Uribe, Colombia demobilized much of the united paramilitary forces in the country. Yet, other criminals assumed their vacated illegal networks…

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…Medical Tourism celebrated September 27-30 in Orlando, Florida. Benefits, competitive advantages, and the potential for development, will establish the Dominican Republic as a safe and attractive destination for the expansion of investments in medical tourism, according to El Nuevo Diario of Santo Domingo. In the last decade, the tourism sector gained over $2,600 million with investments from Spain, Mexico, France, the United States, Venezuela, a…

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…cted by the College of Medicine at the University of Chile. After assessing 600 high schoolers in Santiago, they found that consumers perform 15% worse on memory tests than non-consumers and commit 21% more mistakes per test on average than non-users. They demonstrated that marijuana does indeed affect cognitive functions involved in learning, memory, and concentration. But the 2015 World Drug Report of the UN stated that marijuana use in children…

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…or even consistently eat at fast-food restaurants instead, all of which is compounded by the lack of physical activity that has grown over time, with access to video games and cell phones today. The Pan American Health Organization recommended that we return to the diet of our ancestors: fruits, vegetables, fish, and tubers. Hidalgo added that we must use the tools offered by the present to help us do so: buy food in markets rather than grocery st…

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…os of Colombia and President Maduro of Venezuela appear to have found some common ground, at least for now. The Latin American Herald Tribune of Caracas reported that Presidents Santos and Maduro have agreed to send their ambassadors back to each other’s countries in a meeting in Ecuador. They also agreed to begin investigating the border crisis. They planned to meet again three days later in Venezuela to tackle more sensitive issues. Through a st…

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…io Ledezma, also said the verdict is evidence of Maduro’s worry over the upcoming defeat he is going to suffer in the parliamentary elections in December. Finally, Jorge Castañeda theorized in El Periódico of Guatemala City about why Latin American governments are silent about the sentence of the region’s “most important political prisoner” in recent times, and saw “three reasons” why democratic governments that in theory respect human rights, hav…

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…ll businesses, and state intervention within greater Buenos Aires and then compared it to some similar American Gallup polls. On capitalism, the results showed that Americans and Argentinians tend to differ: in Argentina, only 19 percent have a “positive image” of the economic system, compared to the 61 percent of Americans, whose percentage is also clearly dominated by Republican party affiliation. On business confidence, the two constituencies a…

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…ng construction of a third set of locks that will enable the waterway to accommodate “post-Panamax” ships. Those modern ships – used by the energy, and particularly the liquefied natural gas, industry – hold up to 12,000 20-foot-long containers and are three times bigger than what the canal can currently handle. With the new set of locks, due to begin operating in April 2016, the canal will be able to handle up to 600 million tons of cargo annuall…

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