…ches protesting the higher cost of living ended with six dead and more than 600 wounded. On September 9, representatives from President Guillermo Lasso’s government and indigenous groups ceased table discussions of the housing development, price control, and the energy and natural resources. “There are minimal agreements, [and] there are more disagreements,” Iza said. In the first meeting of the Indigenous guard in the Amazonian community of Sinan…

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…graduate work established by Peru’s Ministry of Education. “…The thesis is completed with honesty, that is to say, [the author] does not commit plagiarism or fraud,” said Marcel Velázquez, principal professor at the National University of San Marcos. Velázquez also noted that a thesis should provide “a contribution to the disciplinary field.” However, Ojo Público’s investigation revealed that theses at UCV did not meet these requirements, and that…

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…Carlos Murillo, representative for the Americas of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), explained. “In recent years, both the United Nations and several countries in the world have realized the importance of climatic phenomena in forced migration and displacement. In Latin America, countries such as Argentina, Uruguay, Peru, and Chile have included this consideration in some of their migration plans. Planned relocation, care…

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…ched in 2012 during the Barack Obama administration, which has allowed some 600,000 migrants to avoid deportation and work legally. The new legislation requires a new separate application that each of these people must submit to avoid being deported or receive a work permit, but it will apply only to the renewal of DACA applications, not to new ones, pending an appeal filed to allow the Department of Homeland Security to issue new requests. “Dream…

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…es as to how Peru’s land is to be used. Ignoring this regulation, he warned, sets the stage for “the invasion of the forests.” By modifying the law, he continued, SERFOR estimated that deforestation could increase threefold, with the country losing 600 thousand hectares of forest each year. “Let us remember that the forests supply us with diverse resources, are host to a rich biodiversity, and provide eco-systemic services like the availability of…

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…population with informal employment increased by 11.9% (1,036,700 people) compared to the same period of the last year. In terms of geographic domains, informal employment increased on the Coast by 14.3% (759,200 people), with 17% on the Central Coast, 9% on the North Coast, and 8.7% on the South Coast. In the Sierra, it increased by 11.4% (250,400 people), with 15.5% in the North, 14.3% in the Central, and 8.6% in the South. In the Jungle, infor…

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…te, Ciro Gomes (known as Ciro), as he was once the governor of Ceará. When comparing responses based on socioeconomic status, results from every income bracket show a strong preference for Lula except the highest group, which is a tie between Lula and Bolsonaro. Given that the next presidential election is in less than three months, Bolsonaro and Lula have made several speeches in which they have shone a negative light on their opponent. Correio B…

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…e to a lack of rain in December, the total land used to produce soy fell by 600 hectares from the year prior, a 6% decrease compared to the average of the last five years. With a total of 16.3 million hectares in production, the crop also suffered from an unusually hot summer that left many farms with insufficient water to irrigate. Early frosts in the West and South also took a toll on total output. However, average yields still rose. “The nation…

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…to work and having to hide so that they aren’t taken to jail. The Mexican Commission for Refugee Aid (COMAR), the official entity that manages the petitions, is overflowing. In 2021, they received more than 130,000 applications, breaking a new record, and tripling the number from 2020 when it barely surpassed 40,000. There are already 50 thousand petitions from 2022. One of the immigrants said that they had been waiting around two months for the…

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…is community, testifies that “Miambiente has given concessions without the community’s knowledge and the cacique signed behind the backs of the people. Furthermore, the groups in favor of the harvesting intimidate.” La Prensa visited the principal centers of wood collection in the region, where they documented the process, interviewed authorities, indigenous inhabitants, and loggers, and reviewed multiple environmental studies, resolutions, and ex…

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