…led 82% of Brazilian respondents “want to travel with their pets.” similarly found that 40% of Brazilians “choose their destination based on how their pets will be received.” Andrea Miramontes of Folha de S. Paulo reported on pets in the world of travel. It is not just dogs that are brought along, but pigs, rabbits, cats, turtles, and even goats are being “pampered” on these trips. found in another study that 65% of Brazili…

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…d highlights Venezuela is a risk for its inability to contain COVID-19. El Comercio of Quito reported that the Colombian government and its officials do not recognize Nicolás Maduro as the legitimate president of Venezuela and accuse Maduro of harboring criminal gangs and leftist rebels. Colombia has 80,600 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 2,600 deaths while Venezuela reports 4,600 confirmed cases and 39 deaths as of June 26, 2020. The border betwe…

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…ding to press reports. These bridges have also been used by undocumented migrants, mainly Venezuelans. “There are approximately 300 meters that are going to grow to the north of the current ditch,” where the situation gets more complicated,” according to Delgado. For the past two years, Colchane has become the gateway for thousands of undocumented foreigners who cross on foot through unauthorized passes from Bolivia, in search of a better life in…

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…ation, in order to explore what this platform ( has to offer and the intended impact of their objectives. The initiative of Las Argentinas Trabajamos is to highlight the work that women contribute to the development of the country in diverse environments. Jozami stated that the objective of this network “is multiple, not only to make visible workers from the different provinces of Argentina, but also as a source of…

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…This park has cabins, bedrooms, and a camping area. Interested visitors can check the availability and prices on the website….

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…eum on Argentine journalism. Margen del Mundo (World’s Margin ). Majul is widely associated with the oppositionists, but a “handful of pro-government journalists did however attend the inauguration.” One attendee dubbed it “the first event of the post-Kirchner Era,” but Majul partly disagreed. “This goes well beyond the Kirchner Era. We are here because we love this job.” “Its opening feature is a survey to…

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…e case of LGBT agendas and candidates have proven. There is now a website ( that disseminates information on LGBT issues in mayoral races in Arauca, Barranquilla, Bogota, Cali, Cartagena, Ibague, Pasto, Quibdo, Manizales, Medellin, Riohacha, Santa Marta, Sincelejo, Tunja and Villavicencio. And Semana Magazine of Bogotá has outlined how “transportation chaos in Bogotá” will be key in the race for mayor. In Guatemala Edwin…

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…8217; ‘Lucky Ladies,’ ‘Alerta Aeropuerto,’ and ‘Domador de Caballos,’ among others.” Participating is simple: details about the call for content can be found at and those who meet the requirements can submit their ideas until the 30th of April, when the entries will be evaluated.    …

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…ed, developed an exclusive page for trekking lovers:, with maps, recommendations, and descriptions of each trail and the location and characteristics of the mountain shelters. In the menu, the tab “Find your path” allows you to choose among 60 routes by name, by degree of difficulty or by duration, and other characteristics. “The people of Bariloche in general already know the trails, but for the tourist it is a very impo…

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