El Espectador of Bogotá noted that President Juan Manuel Santos again referred to the possibility of

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El Financiero of Mexico City commented on what they call “the process of balkanization” in Mexico driven

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After so many attempts at peace over the years, Colombians are skeptical of any peace process taking

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Mercopress of Monteviedo reported that former minister and ex-presidential hopeful Roberto Lavagna insists

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Or so argued Paulo Leme, the head of Goldman Sachs Brazil, in an interview with Folha de São.Paulo. 

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DominicanToday of Santo Domingo observed that the World Bank says that “despite a robust economy” in

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Both La Razón of La Paz and Últimas Noticias of Caracas recorded that the International Labor Organization

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Carlos Zanabria wrote in El Comercio of Lima that in the city of Arequipa, more than 85 women were raped

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El Universal of Mexico City confirmed that more than one million children and young people enrolled in

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Fohla de São Paulo noted that now a new breed of cop is on the street, and there are no more Molotov

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