Cristina de la Torre in El Espectador of Bogotá An end to the armed conflict in Colombia would create

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Pope Francis, formally cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Argentina, was born in Buenos Aires to Italian immigrant parents.  As the first Latin American pontiff, and indeed the first non European Pope, he has become the focus of intense interest in the region, home to 42% of the world’s Catholics.  He traveled to Brazil for his

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Rocío Zayas in The News of Mexico City tells us that Mexico’s tourism industry is investing in research. 

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Ronald Reyes in the Tico Times of San José, Costa Rica observes that “living in Costa Rica may seem

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Dinero Magazine of Bogotá reports that Colombia is trying to expand “backpacker” tourism.  At a seminar

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Armando Cruz in La Jornada of Mexico City contemplated the more than 45,000 people from several Mexican

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The Spanish filmmaker Luis Buñuel, creator of the emblematic Mexican films “Los Olvidados” and “Viridiana”

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Santiago Espinosa in El Espectador of Bogotá declares that opera in Colombia has reached the age of maturity. 

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Spanish director Axel Dettoni recently gave an intensive workshop on screenwriting and writing with images

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O Globo of Rio de Janeiro observed that the cold front that dumped snow on over 100 municipalities in

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