In La República of Lima, Vargas Llosa observed that the Colombian television series “Escobar, El Padrón

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In El Comercio of Quito Juan Valdano explored the intimate link between dictators and novelists in Latin

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With a note of pride La Nación of Asunción informed the world that Paraguayan actress Flor Martino has

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According to El Universal of Mexico City, Mexican states are calling on local artists to help define

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In El Universal of Mexico City the national leader of the PRD, Jesús Zambrano, has said that in the city

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According to Fohla de São Paulo, American Trip Advisor (a website with 47 million registered users) wants

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El Comercio of Lima was proud to note that so far this year, Machu Picchu has received a total of 658,085

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In El Universal of Mexico City Francisco Valdés Ugalde argued that the recently released Coneval report

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El Diario de Hoy of San Salvador editorialized that “the system will leave the country jaded and corrupted.” 

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James Neilson in the Buenos Aires Herald believes that Pope Francis rages “against unemployment, widespread

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