Honduras Weekly of Tegucigalpa reports that María Bográn stresses the need for a firm hand against trans-border

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that paramilitary groups have emerged in Costa Rica.  A group

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La Razón of La Paz.  Speaking at World Tourism Day President Evo Morales of Bolivia insisted that Bolivia

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Gestión of Lima observed that today tourism is the third largest sector in the Peruvian economy, and

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El Universal of Caracas reported that during President Maduro’s official visit to the People’s Republic

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El Mercurio of Santiago reported that the DR seeks to become the first choice in tourist destination

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Mercopress of Montevideo revealed that Uruguay is expecting over 230 cruise calls this coming 2013/14

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Buenos Aires Herald noted that “presidential hopefuls will abound after October’s midterm vote” and wonders

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El Universal of Mexico City wondered whether Cuauhtemoc Cárdenas can rescue the PRD.  The founder of

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In La Prensa Gráfica of San Salvador Otto Morán reported that the FMLN seeks a referendum legalizing

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