La Tercera of Santiago.  According to data from the Seventh National Youth Survey of Chile, 16% of youth

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According to Fohla de São Paulo, gay advertising has yet to come out of the closet in Brazil.  A recent

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La Jornada of Mexico City reported that the Cuban government has extended the list of trades that can

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La Nación of Asunción noted that Paraguay is tenth in the index of educational inequality among the eighteen

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O Globo of Rio de Janeiro reported that in private hospitals in Rio very few children are born vaginally

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In Página/12 of Buenos Aires Ariel Goldstein warned that recent purchases by the Grupo El Comercio of

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Dominican Today of Santo Domingo reported that experts believe that the Tourism Ministry’s work in Santo

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La Prensa of Lima noted the capture of retired General Flavio Buitrago, President Uribe’s ex-security

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El Faro Magazine of El Salvador editorialized that yes, “El Salvador is a violent country. It is a country

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Buenos Aires Herald reprinted Chilean Heraldo Muñoz’s argument in the Washington Post that Pinochet should

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