So wondered Luis Ángel Saavedra in Latinamerican Press of Peru.  President Rafael Correa announced Aug.

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PRD Senator Armando Ríos Píter said his state of Guerrero (Mexico) became an archipelago because of 110

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El Mercurio of Santiago noted that ten Chilean businessmen have been listed among the one hundred most

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In El Nuevo Diario of Managua Hatzel Montez Rugama told of turtle mortality on both of Nicaragua’s coasts. 

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PáginaSIETE  of La Paz. The president of Bolivia, Evo Morales, has threatened to nationalize Tigo phone,

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Panamá América of Panama City argues that Panama has one of the most backward economies of the region,

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Sergio Ramírez noted in El Faro magazine of El Salvador that Central American elites declared independence

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So says Mempo Giardinelli in the Buenos Aires Herald.  Certain Argentine political games have proved

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Gabriel Silva Luján observed in El Tiempo of Bogotá that Colombia “has been bipartisan from its early

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In El Finaciero of Costa Rica Yoriko Yasukawa called on Costa Ricans to build “a more inclusive society”

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