La República of Lima reported that five Judicial District prosecutors have received “serious threats,” and need protection from the Ministry of Interior. 

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Mercopress of Montevideo reported that Brazil’s currency, the real, declined after Moody’s Investors Service cited rising debt and weak growth in lowering its outlook on the country’s credit rating from positive to stable. 

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Benjamin Druttman reported in The Santiago Times that Chile and India plan to cooperate in boosting renewable energy which, it is hoped, will strengthen the relationship between the two countries, and lead to future projects as Chile looks to diversify. 

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Maneiro Iñigo Labayen wrote of “a mountain of sand” in El Comercio of Lima. Cerro Blanco, the highest dune in South America, rises to an imposing height of 2080 meters of fine sand above the other dunes that form the coastal desert. 

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La Nación of San José, Costa Rica reported that Nicaraguan Vice Minister of Energy and Mines, Lorena Lanza said that Nicaragua hopes the U.S. consortium Noble Energy Limited will find oil in the Caribbean.

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Mercopress of Montevideo reported that Brazilian tourism officials say that the country has stepped up efforts to lure more foreign tourists as Brazil gears up to host the 2014 World Cup.

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In El Espectador of Bogotá Eduardo Sarmiento looked at the imbalances in the Colombian economy.  

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Dinero Magazine of Bogotá proudly noted that cruise line presidents consider Cartagena a magnificent destination. 

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Consuelo Ricart lays out Mexico’s tourism future in El Universal of Mexico City.  Countries that have achieved rapid development of their tourism industry, such as Ireland, Singapore, and Costa Rica had a “roadmap” and a development strategy. 

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Panamá América of Panama City and Prensa Libre of Guatemala City reported that the ban on selling imported clothing in Cuba has sparked controversy as well as visible discomfort among private traders who engaged in the business for several years

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