Buenos Aires Herald reported that Argentina has taken the Botnia pulp mill dispute to The Hague.

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Prensa Libre of Guatemala City reported that Guatemala and Argentina have signed an agreement against organized crime. 

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Mercopress of Montevideo observed that the U.S. Supreme Court left intact a ruling that may force Argentina to make payments on defaulted government bonds, rejecting that country’s appeal in a clash that has roiled its financial markets.

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz confirmed that another Chilean candidate for president now advocates a solution to Bolivia’s landlocked situation. 

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Zach Dyer reported in The Tico Times of San José, Costa Rica that the Canadian gold-mining company Infinito Gold Ltd. announced its intentions to go forward with a $1 billion lawsuit against Costa Rica over the retracted Las Crucitas open-pit gold mining concession in northern Costa Rica. 

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Qué Pasa Magazine of Santiago explored the “Paisa Empire” in Chile.  Born as a handful of companies, today it is the largest business group Colombia.  

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David Jessop in Dominican Today of Santo Domingo says the Russians are coming, and keep coming, to the Bavaro-Punta Cana resort region of the Dominican Republic. 

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Juan Camilo Maldonado noted in El Espectador of Bogotá that so far this year 98 uniformed police have been dismissed, while public confidence in the Bogotá’s police force is at its lowest point in ten years. 

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In Colombia Reports of Medellín Charlie de Rivaz reports that, according to the FARC’s chief negotiator, the peace talks between the rebels and the government have yielded only “modest achievements” so far. 

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Natalia Gómez Quintero wrote in El Universal of Mexico City that Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, advisor to the International Criminal Court in The Hague, says that attacks on journalists in Mexico can be considered as crimes against humanity and warns that there must be a focus on these attacks. 

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