That’s what David Jessop wonders in DominicanToday of Santo Domingo.  In February of this year Cuba’s President, Raúl Castro, said that he will step down in 2018.

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In Chile’s presidential and legislative election on November 17, 2013 former President Michelle Bachelet, candidate of the left-leaning Nueva Mayoría (New Majority) coalition, took an impressive lead with 47% of the vote,

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Marco Cáceres said in Honduras Weekly of Tegucigalpa that there’s “one muddy election a comin’,” but still indulged in a little political soothsaying. 

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Mercopress of Montevideo noted that the Uruguayan government has rejected Argentina’s ultimatum concerning the UPM (former Botnia) pulp mill’s production expansion,

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El Espectador of Bogotá reports that the Colombian government will turn to Spain for a tourism makeover for Bogotá. 

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El Nuevo Diario of Managua says “the gamble was a success.”  Puerto Allende has become one of the largest amusement parks in Nicaragua, with numerous restaurants, receiving 94,000 visitors a month. 

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Ricardo Calil in Folha de São Paulo says that “at first glance” Mariana Rondón’s new film “Pelo Malo” (“Bad Hair”) “looks like a realistic drama about daily life in a poor country seen through the eyes of a child.” 

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So says Juan David Torres Duarte in El Espectador of Bogotá.  Europe and the United States have long dominated the market, but now

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In El Comercio of Peru Manuel Manticorena Solís examined how the Brazilian cosmetics company Natura has worked to reforest the Amazon and offset its emissions. 

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O Estado de São Paulo reported that after three years of decline, the illegal logging in Pará State is once again on the rise, increasing 151% from August 2011 to July 2012, compared to the previous period.  

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