Sadio Garavini Di Durno lamented in Prensa Libre of Guatemala City that after 15 years of the highest sustained oil revenues in its history, Venezuela is experiencing

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El País of Montevideo editorialized that “we have reached such a level of savagery in our society that nothing surprises.” 

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Honduras held general elections on November 24, 2013 that many observers say reflected the poor state of Honduran democracy since the 2009 coup and ouster of President Manuel Zelaya. 

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La Jornada of Mexico City reported that hundreds of Venezuelans gathered outside Daka Electronics stores to buy televisions, refrigerators, irons, blenders and other appliances, after President Nicolás Maduro announced that he had ordered the chain to sell all items at “fair prices.”

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El Espectador of Bogotá noted that according to a study by researchers at the University of Queensland in Australia, 4% of the world population suffers from depression.  

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Marcela Ojeda reported in El Financiero of Mexico City that the Chief of the Tax Administration Service (SAT), Aristóteles Núñez, said that despite “a lot of misinformation,” the middle classes will not be affected by tax reform. 

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La República of Lima interviewed Arnoldo Reyes of PayPal, the global leader in electronic payments, who travels to Peru regularly. 

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Correio Braziliense of Brasília remarked on the rise and fall of fortunes carved out by business celebrities who were experts at leveraging their outsized lifestyles.  Many of their endeavors “now lie as muddled shipwrecks and don’t seem so glamorous anymore.” 

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In El Espectador of Bogotá Edwin Bohórquez spoke with Luis Alberto Moreno, the president of the Inter-American Development Bank who says that “farming today should not be like it was for our great-grandparents.” 

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La Jornada of Mexico City editorialized that as the nation debates President Enrique Peña Nieto’s so-called energy reform, a move that would increase the role of private companies in Mexico’s petroleum industry,

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