According to Dom Phillips in Folha de São Paulo “the continent-sized country also has a vast interior, with forests, mountain ranges (serras) and plateaux (chapadas) of at times staggering beauty.

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Mónica Mateos-Vega reported in La Jornada of Mexico City that poet, journalist, and diplomat Hugo Gutiérrez Vega was awarded the Premio Nacional de Ciencias y Artes 2013 for Literature.  

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In Semana Magazine of Bogotá Alberto Najar reported that Mexican writer Elena Poniatowska was awarded the 2013 Cervantes Prize, the highest honor in Spanish letters. 

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So noted Estado de São Paulo.  After four consecutive years of decline, deforestation in the Amazon is increasing once again.  

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that Nicaragua described Costa Rica’s construction of a road on its border parallel to the Rio San Juan as an “environmental nightmare”

Read More reported that China seeks to build a relationship with Ecuador that will provide a model for its cooperation with all the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. 

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La República of Lima says that Peru is the seventh largest producer of avocados, with a share close to 4% of the world total. 

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that the United States will provide technical support to Costa Rica to increase use of “reduced-risk” pesticides, which have a lesser impact on the environment, official sources said. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá reported that while the U.S. is the largest buyer of Venezuelan oil, Venezuela accused it of “meddling.” 

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MercoPress of Montevideo noted that the Panamanian Foreign minister, Fernando Núñez Fábrega, underlined his country’s longstanding support for Argentina’s sovereignty claims

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