Honduras Weekly of Tegucigalpa says that the Hernández administration has already begun.

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Gestión of Lima reported that Peruvian celebrity chef Gastón Acurio has yet again said he will not run for president, but insisted that he will do “policy from the kitchen.” 

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On December 8, 2013 Venezuela held municipal elections that were closely watched throughout the region as an indicator of how Venezuelans view the job performance of President Nicolás Maduro,

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El Heraldo of Tegucigalpa reported that in 2013 over 37,500 Hondurans were deported by the United States. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá noted that U.S. President Barack Obama’s support for the Colombian government’s dialogue with FARC gives a new twist

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So reported La Jornada of Mexico City.  Arkansas State University will start building its campus in February, with an investment of $50 million, funded by private investors. 

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So said Silvia Pisani in La Nación of Buenos Aires, noting acerbically that it didn’t seem like a “compliment” for what the ruling Peronistas call the “winning decade.” 

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In early December 2013 a wave of looting spread from the city and province of Córdoba to other cities round Argentina. 

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MercoPress of Montevideo examined the recently inaugurated Paraguayan president, Horacio Cartes, and his attempts to improve the living conditions of the majority of a population

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El Tiempo of Bogotá noted that the mayor of Valledupar, Fredy Socarrás Royals, believes that one of the better ways to fight corruption in public administration is to appoint

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