The Buenos Aires Herald noted that “thousands of Cuban state taxi drivers will soon be leasing their vehicles and working on their own as part of a reorganization of the country’s taxi service aimed at improving efficiency.”  

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Inside Costa Rica of San José reported that police officers of the Fuerza Pública in Liberia, Guanacaste carried out the eviction of some 50 families consisting of some 200 people

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Latin American Herald Tribune of Caracas reported that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro knows that his country has an obesity problem that affects 38% of the population. 

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Ernesto Guerrero Lauri wrote in La República of Lima that president Ollanta Humala, issued law 30151 which exempts from criminal responsibility police and military

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Washington Benalcázar wrote in El Comercio of Quito that more old houses were abandoned in Ibarra.  These old houses tell stories.  

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La Prensa of Managua noted that the attorney general of Mexico, Jesús Murillo, confirmed a clash between military and self-defense groups in the state of Michoacán during an attempt at disarmament of these groups,

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El Espectador of Bogotá noted that the discovery of marijuana in suitcases of tourists returning to Argentina from Montevideo by river or air has been growing

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El Espectador of Bogotá reported that the FARC strongly criticized the military cooperation between Colombia and the U.S. 

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Edurne Navarro wrote in El Periódico of Guatemala City that the new head of the Asociación de Periodistas de Guatemala (APG), Hugo Rolando López, believes that “journalists have no protection.” 

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Semana Magazine of Bogotá noted that in Venezuela people call them “miguelitos,” spikes and nails that tear tires.

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