Ivan Vargas wrote in The Santiago Times that paleontologists have determined that fossils discovered in Bío Bío Region belong to a previously unidentified type of plesiosaur — or giant marine reptile — that went extinct over 60 million years ago, ending a hunt for answers sparked by fossil fragments in the 19th century. 

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz reported that January and February of 2014 marked historic levels of rainfall which caused flooding in La Paz.  According to Elmer López of the National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology (SENAMHI), the volume of rain is beyond anything seen in 30 years of regional monitoring. 

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El Heraldo of Tegucigalpa reported that meteorological analysis predicts that the southern region of Honduras will see a decrease in rainfall this year, which may have a negative impact on basic grains production. 

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Legalization will not solve the world’s narcotics problem, the UN anti-drugs chief insisted, indicating his disapproval of the decision by Uruguay to allow the growing, sale and smoking of marijuana, according to the MercoPress of Montevideo. 

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Sebastián Premici wrote in Página/12 of Buenos Aires that the Argentine government is one step closer to a compensation deal with Spaniards. 

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In La Jornada of Mexico City Eric Nepomuceno observed that while Brazil will host the 2014 Soccer World Cup in a few short months, there are still “concerns.” 

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Zach Dyer wrote in The Tico Times of San José, Costa Rica that Central America is growing as a popular tourist destination for U.S. travelers abroad, according to figures published by the U.S. Commerce Department in late February. 

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Argentine Cabinet Chief Jorge Capitanich shared seldom heard praise for the United States’ support for Argentina in its long-standing dispute over the so called vulture funds, suing the South American country over its defaulted bonds of more than a decade ago, noted the Buenos Aires Herald. 

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El Espectador of Bogotá noted with approval that the Colombia firm, Trout Co. S.A.S. (an exporter of rainbow trout), is one of the five most successful exporters to the United States since Colombia signed the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) with the U.S. in May 2012. 

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El Comercio of Quito reported that while the government of the United States made a severe criticism of Ecuador, it got the same back in return. 

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