President Dilma Rousseff said she will be a candidate with or without support from all of her party’s allies. 

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The governor of Miranda state, Henrique Capriles, addressed the opposition’s view of the effectiveness of talks with the embattled government of Nicolás Maduro. 

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The Ashaninka indigenous leader Ruth Buendía received the Goldman Prize and Lima’s Mayor Susana Villarán launched her re-election campaign. 

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The new, leftist president of El Salvador looks to bring former dissidents in from the cold. 

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Leaders of the Kirchnerista wing of Peronismo are eying post 2015 scenarios. 

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Those who know Honduras understand that it is a country of enviable beauty with a rich cultural and historical heritage, and well endowed with natural treasures, but that these facts are largely unknown to the wider world. 

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An agreement signed in Guatemala City will establish a tourist area to promote the cultural, socio-economic, and biological resources of the wider Caribbean through sustainability, integration, cooperation, and consensus. 

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Peruvians love the Caribbean, especially Cartagena on the Colombian coast. 

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The recently launched “Blue Pampa” project is a ten-year “strategic initiative” that aims to research Argentina’s South Atlantic resources in five different areas to ensure conservation and management, while reinforcing Argentine claims of sovereignty. 

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Severe drought in northern Colombia has left the area in a state of emergency.   The situation in the municipio of Riohacha, northern Colombia, has left a trail of destruction and has been declared a “public disaster” by its Mayor Rafael Ceballos Sierra. 

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