Edison Lanza, the new Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), is a Uruguayan journalist and lawyer who wants to create standards to “help reverse the concentration process (of media control), without affecting the viability of mass communication,” and work for the protection of at risk journalists while

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For the second time, Paraguay hosted the 51st Special Session of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in early September in Asunción. 

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The “São Paulo Forum,” which brings together members of the Latin American left, pointed to the consolidation of its ideology in the governments of the region, but warned of renewed “destabilizing” efforts by the right, backed by the United States and its “new design of global geopolitics.” 

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Recent polls have flashed a yellow light to the leftist coalition Frente Amplio (FA).  FA’s candidate, Tabaré Vázquez, insists that he can still win the presidential election in the first round, but other voices can now be heard. 

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The 25 parties that make up the Mesa de Unidad Democrática (MUD) have agreed to move beyond “theoretical” discussions and focus on the “practical,” looking for “a growth strategy” to incorporate the many sectors unhappy with Chávez-Madurismo and make political change happen, especially in the parliamentary elections in 2015. 

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The “Dirty War” between political candidates has increased through social networks in Bolivia, while the president’s poll numbers put him way out front. 

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As ARENA chooses candidates for mayors and deputies in the next election, they have a chance for renewal. 

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The National Assembly is a good place to study the country’s politicians. Many don’t speak up and most follow their leaders like sheep. 

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Shocked and still getting used to a new country, Pablo, a 17-year-old who declined to give his last name, related how during his journey through Mexico he was extorted by immigration agents in that country, and continued to suffer once he reached the U.S. 

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Military forces in some Latin American countries have changed paradigm, leaving much of their repressive practices behind and assimilating respect for human rights, said  the director of an NGO in charge of following up on several military bodies of the region. 

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