Brazil, Chile, and Peru reactivated their diplomatic relations with Israel and ordered their ambassadors back to TelAviv. 

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An international survey ranked Latin America countries for citizen insecurity, and noted that despite the progress made in other areas, security concerns remain a challenge. 

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There are new directions for urban transport in Brazil, and a push for more verticality in Peru.

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The lower class grew from 13.3% of the total to 16.7%; employment and inflation were major causes; recovery slowed for the middle class, while the land is held by fewer hands, and unions are divided over whether to strike against the government of President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.

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Violence has come to the emergency rooms of the Venezuelan hospitals, while problems persist for the distribution of some basic food items, and Venezuelans are unimpressed by new measures by President Maduro to address shortages.

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More than 56 million people have been lifted out of poverty in Latin America and the Caribbean in recent years, according to the United Nations Development, around 200 million more, 37.8% of the population, remain vulnerable. 

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The Minister of Commerce, Industry and Tourism talked about her relationship with the Minister of Education in response to questions about her sexuality. 

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Informality in employment fell 5.6 points in three years in Ecuador. 

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Nobel Laureate in Economics Joseph Stiglitz, and investors George Soros and Kyle Bass weighed in on Argentina’s behalf in its struggle with hold out investors, and the International Capital Market Association hopes to ensure that there are no repeats of Argentina’s situation. 

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Seven months after it launched its ambitious bid to have the lion’s share of Internet sales in Colombia, Cdiscount celebrates the results. 

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