…s limited resources. He also spoke of a visit from the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to Ecuador and the installment of a security board focused on human rights. A final outcome of the meeting was the announcement of an electronic visa system that Ecuador will be implementing in order to facilitate obtaining and verifying visas and analysis of the applicant’s information. According to Carlos Velástegui, subsecretary of migrant service…

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…ext six years. Valls spoke to Gestión of Lima, reporting that the Japanese company opened a factory in Córdoba on July 31, 2081, and is confident that it can weather the country’s financial storm. “We are no longer looking to be a secondary player, we want to be a major force in the region.” Nissan invested 600 million dollars in the Córdoba plant, which followed the construction of a plant in Resende, Brasil, in which nearly 800 million dollars w…

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…n the World by the FAO and UNICEF showed that the “cases of undernourishment in the rest of the countries of the region do not exceed 2.5 million in the last period respectively, with the exception of Brazil, which—due to the exposure to more complex climatic events—like the drought in the Amazon—reached 5.2 million. Below appears Peru, with 2.8 million; Bolivia, with 2.2 million; Argentina, with 1.7 million; Ecuador, with 1.3 million; and several…

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…sk as representatives of all producers, because there are many that cannot come because they are too far [away].” She stressed the importance of these fairs to the producers. “We know that more than 600 [people directly depend on the fairs] because each producer has two or three family members at home.” Ana, as the article refers to her, firmly believes that they will be given this opportunity because the new president of Indert is “very accessibl…

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…using migration as a political weapon against the opposition.” Opinion and Commentary In Folha de S. Paulo, Clóvis Rossi wrote that Venezuela is becoming an example of “how a country dies.” He corresponded with Janaina Figueiredo, a correspondent for O Globo, who knows Venezuela well. She wrote about her experience of nine trips to Venezuela between 2002 and 2018. “I saw this country collapse slowly and I never imagined, 16 years ago, that the poo…

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…” And, while the United States imposed more rigid rules for North American companies, which has increased commercial costs and restricted access to foreign credit, forcing Cubans to pay in cash and in advance through banks in third countries, Cuba has managed to largely get around the embargo for all practical purposes. The real “underlying problem in Cuba” is that the productive sector, monopolized by the State, “has not managed to make a relevan…

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…to the top of a hill where asphalt had not yet arrived. The books were welcomed at the communal premises where the neighbors enthusiastically witnessed their delivery. Santos Quispe Taquire, leader of the commune La Candelaria, stated “there are no longer young people of bad living in the neighborhood,” but still considers there much to be done. He insisted that “we are not going to sit idly by until we turn La Candelaria into an urbanization whe…

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…several others in a matter of seconds before running away. This news was accompanied by other data showing that the teenager, who was only 14 years of age, already had ten homicides on his record, and that 600 minors have been apprehended in 2019 for a variety of crimes, including murder. Medellín and Cali have a high rate of using children subcontracted by collection offices to threaten, extort, assault, or kill. The collection offices should be…

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…tim of femicide,” said Fanny Chica, who took part in the peaceful march in commemorating the International Day for added, “he must have his punishment for justice to be done.” Sara Marín, who remembers her daughter, María del Cisne Zhunio, pointed out that violence must stop. “We’re sick of women being assaulted,” she said, “Enough!” explaining that when femicide occurs, “they don’t just kill women, they’re killing the family, [and] that must end….

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…country in search of medical care by crossing the border into Colombia. In compliance with the United Nations Refugee Agency, 600,000 of the 1.5 million have settled in border areas. In these regions, “life is not easy” due to the lack of stable employment and limited living choices, which leave the migrants residing in areas without potable water or sewage systems. These circumstances result in difficulty accessing health care, especially when it…

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