Washington calls on Mexico to prosecute and punish the perpetrators of this “egregious crime,” but also calls for calm. 

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Venezuelan Foreign Minister Rafael Ramírez made several visits to member countries of OPEC, and said they decided to reduce production, but it may not matter anymore. 

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In 1919 John Maynard Keynes wrote a brilliant book that predicted the disaster that would result from the Treaty of Versailles, which ended the First World War. Colombians should take note.  

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Of a total of 195 countries, Peru ranks 140 for download speed and 182 for data carrying capacity. 

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Curta Cinema 2014 concluded its 24th year on November 12 in Rio de Janeiro.

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Valeria Puig knew that her passion was to make movies since the age of 15.  Now, already at 26 years old, she has several international experiences to her credit and has come home to reflect on them. 

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Filmmaker Pablo Palacios focuses his most recent documentary “Los sonidos del tiempo” (The Sounds of Time) on capturing the loss of musical traditions in Ecuador.

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Cinema in Central America is looking for new markets and, after years of reflecting mainly on the drama of war in the region, it is attempting to reach the public through other genres. 

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With a year left for the Frente Para la Victoria government of left-leaning Peronista Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, the Kirchneristas must face economic slowdown and political division, though the president’s approval numbers remain healthy. 

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In fact, it could move up three places. 

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