President Santos says there must be some level of accountability, while the FARC released the Army general they had captured.  Santos subsequently reinitiated peace talks, and the FARC called for revisions in the terms of the process.

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Former President Tabaré Vázquez got his old job back as president of Uruguay in the runoff election.  Now the ruling leftist coalition of the Frente Amplio (Broad Front) can add to its decade in power, and finalize a law legalizing the production and sale of marijuana, among many other projects. 

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Amid pressures to reconfigure the route to reform, members of the ruling leftist New Majority coalition discuss options.  At the same time, commentators say the Chilean Right’s tactics don’t scare anyone.

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Political confrontations can get ugly and personal. At the moment “a battle-hardened federal judge” is looking into a hotel company owned by President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner and her two children in Patagonia, and she is pushing back hard. 

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The “Partido Social de la Unidad Social,” or simply the “Partido de la U” (and even just “La U”), “is Colombia’s largest and most successful political party in modern history and member of the ruling ‘National Unity’ coalition.” 

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The next Peruvian presidential election could be historic, not necessarily because of its outcome, but because it seems to be steeped in the past, with the participation of several actors from old times, although some may be trying some new tricks. 

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There are striking similarities between Colombia’s and Mexico’s experiences with drugs, politics, and violence. 

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While protestors threw Molotov cocktails and Mexico’s president said “We are all from Ayotzinapa,” commentators foreign and domestic weighed in.  It is also clear that the famous 43 are just the tip of Mexico’s iceberg of desparecidos. 

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The mayor of San Salvador defended a tribute to Roberto D’Aubuisson on the eve of the 35th anniversary of the assassination of Archbishop Óscar Romero. 

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The National Truth Commission (CNV) submitted the new list of dead and missing during the Brazilian dictatorship. 

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