Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Proud Dominican Julio Herrera emigrated to the United States in 2019 with the goal of changing his life’s direction.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: A video published on TikTok reached 132,000 views after xenophobic behavior was captured at an Ecuador nightclub.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: According to various reports published by international organizations and other experts, some Latin American countries currently have a lower proportion of emigrants.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: The Argentina presidential debate took place on October 1 between the five candidates at the Forum Convention Center located in the city of Santiago del Estero.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Venezuela’s so-called “friends” have stabbed it in the back, with ostensible allies such as China, Caricom, and Cuba taking advantage of the Maduro regime’s impotence to deny the country its legitimate claim over the resource-rich territory of Esequibo.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken authorized the release of funds to strengthen Colombia’s military capacities, according to the Washington embassy.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: High-level functionaries from Brazil and Bolivia met on October 2nd to discuss investment in energy projects, electricity generation, hydrocarbons, lithium, fertilizers, agriculture, and livestock.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Despite exporting nearly seven million bags of coffee in 2023 – 14% more than the previous year – Honduras saw decreased revenue compared to the prior year’s harvest, due to lower prices.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Lula’s defense minister, José Múcio, is completely untrustworthy, and should be dismissed immediately.

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Issue Sep 27-Oct 03 2023: Attacks on elites have become a global phenomenon, from the United Sates even to France, a contemporary specter reminiscent of that which haunted the world in the 19th century.

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