Issue Oct 04-10 2023: The Lower House in Paraguay recently voted on the suspension of the Honor Colorado deputy, Yamil Esgaib, for his violent remarks against women.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Cobalt, also known as blue gold, is a mineral that could reposition Chile as a key nation for global development.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Since the emergence of societies, political leaders have repeatedly resorted to populism. Latin America has seen several charismatic leaders such as Getulio Vargas and Joao Goulart in Brazil, Juan Domingo Perón and the Kirchners in Argentina or Lázaro Cárdenas, Adolfo López Mateos or Andrés Manuel López Obrador in Mexico resort to

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: President Diana Boluarte is touring Europe to promote foreign private investment in Peru, according to labor minister Daniel Romera.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: A high school project which used Nazi symbols has sparked outrage in Brazil, with officials accusing the student’s presentation of promoting Nazism.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: A recent BetterWork study found that Brazilians have a high level of work commitment.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Brazil’s Ministério dos Direitos Humanos e da Cidadania published in totality the full judgement handed down on March 2018 by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights holding the Brazilian State responsible for the arbitrary detention, torture, and murder of journalist Vladimir Herzog in October of 1975.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: With just a few days left before run-off elections, Ecuadorian presidential candidates Luisa González for Revolución Ciudadana (RC) and Daniel Noboa for Acción Democrática Nacional (ADN) are both seeking the youth and undecided vote in urban centers.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: Oscar Conde, a distinguished poet, essayist, and researcher renowned for his expertise in Lunfardo, the distinctive Argentine slang, is set to become a full member of the Academy of Argentine Letters.

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Issue Oct 04-10 2023: The World Bank report titled “Connected: Digital Technologies for Inclusion and Growth,” highlights the potential of expanding digital connectivity in Latin America and the Caribbean to create more inclusive and dynamic societies.

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