Issue Aug 14-20 2024: The president of Paraguay, Santiago Peña, will return to his duties as head of state after a two-day visit to Costa Rica, which concluded on August 19.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: Late in the evening on August 19, a video was posted on X that shows an Afro-Colombian man letting a Cali police officer know of a robbery that was taking place right in front of him and other police officers, while they simply looked at their phones and did nothing.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: In 2026, the city of São Miguel Arcanjo in the state of São Paulo will inaugurate a 70-meter-high statue of the angel that gives the city its name.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: The book Alberto Fujimori: Imagen y poder 1990-2000” by Peruvian historian and political scientist Christabelle Roca-Rey is set to be presented in September and is already available in bookstores across the country.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: DANE’s 2023 report on monetary poverty in Colombia, released in July, presented promising figures, but also ongoing challenges.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: Orizaba’s Ecoparque Cerro del Borrego, nestled in Veracruz’s Altas Montañas and overlooked by the towering Pico de Orizaba, offers a blend of historical and natural attractions.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: Trust is essential for economic development, but Argentina’s political instability and divisive leadership have eroded this foundation.

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Issue Aug 14-20 2024: With the devaluation of the Argentine peso, it has become increasingly common for Argentinians to cross the Andes mountains into Chile to go shopping.

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: In mid-August 2024, Latin American leaders remained divided and unsure of how to respond to claims by the Nicolás Maduro regime in Venezuela that it won the recent presidential election, while other international observers worried about human rights violations and repression of protesters. Editorialists and commentators rose to the occasion yet

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Issue Aug 07-13 2024: Despite the risk of falling afoul of U.S. sanctions, Mexico’s Pemex has increased its petroleum and gasoline exports to Cuba.

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