Issue Oct 11-17 2023: The Comissão Parlamentar Mista de Inquérito (CPMI) has issued a final report recommending that former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) be indicted as the “intellectual author” of the events of January 8th, as he intended to be “their greatest beneficiary in the case of a successful coup.”

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: On October 12, 2023, Vice President Francia Márquez established the National Intersectoral Commission for Historical Reparation in Cartagena, Colombia, aimed at addressing the effects of racism, racial discrimination, and colonialism on ethnic communities in the country.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: The story of Uruguay’s Pilsen Rock festival, a transformative event in the nation’s music history, unfolds through its beginnings, the challenges faced during its inception, and the creation of its path to becoming a cultural landmark that offers unique insights into the power of music to unite a nation.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Sitting on over seventy-three thousand hectares of land, the Sierra de las Quijadas National Park is less known than Ischigualasto and Talampaya, but it is just as stunning.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Amid mounting environmental concerns, Mexico’s Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources has filed a criminal complaint against Grupo México.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Argentina faces its fourth major economic, political, and social crisis in 50 years. For several years, analysts have speculated about Argentina’s risk of hyperinflation.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: At 86 years old, Marcia Haydée, a legend of 20th century dance, has remained fully active.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Amid concern about the lack of substantial rain, the La Paz Mayor’s Office announced that it has been developing a standard for buildings with more than five floors to recycle their gray water.

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Claudia Sheinbaum, the presidential candidate under the Morena party in Mexico, recently spoke out against the Judiciary and assured that corruption in the country would only be eliminated if the Judiciary is “democratized.”

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Issue Oct 11-17 2023: Despite recent measures taken against deforestation, forest fires in the Amazon rainforest continue to threaten what is one of the world’s most important carbon sinks, with the number of active fires in the region reaching its highest point since 2007.

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