Issue Oct 25-31 2023: On Halloween in 1983, Jorge Luis Borges celebrated the holiday dressed as a werewolf at a party in Wisconsin, USA.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: Gustavo Petro’s 2023 visit to China marks a potentially significant development in Colombia’s foreign policy.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: Colombia, a country of remarkable diversity and natural beauty, offers travelers a plethora of destinations that often escape the spotlight.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: Casablanca, a coastal district in Havana, Cuba, bears little resemblance to its famous cinematic namesake. Despite its historical significance, this neighborhood is marred by poverty, decay, and a unique blend of desolation and historical charm.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: The Argentine opposition bloc Juntos Por el Cambio (JxC) is facing a significant reorganization as it prepares to split into two distinct factions following an electoral pact between former President Mauricio Macri and libertarian candidate Javier Milei.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: In Guatemala’s Mayan Biosphere Reserve, locals are working to build back with honey harvesting and cutting grass.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: The Day of the Dead is one of the most emblematic and representative traditions of Mexico.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: An exhibition titled “México Maleficarum, 13 Treasures of Mexican Fantastic Cinema” will open in France and feature 13 different Mexican cinematic works.

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: Recent wildfires in Latin America have reportedly affected over 180,000 hectares of land in national, municipal, and forest protected areas as well as Natural Heritage Conservation Units (UCPN).

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Issue Oct 25-31 2023: Although the weight of history marks the positions of Latin Americans regarding the war between Israel and Hamas, the majority of leftist governments have maintained their traditional support for the Palestinian cause, with Brazil at the forefront calling for a peaceful solution.

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