Issue Feb 07-13 2024: On Monday, February 12, Chancellor Bruno Rodríguez of Cuba expressed gratitude to visiting Chancellor Celinda Sosa of Bolivia for her country’s donations of food and medicine.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo will meet with French President Emanuel Macron and King Filipe VI of Spain during a European tour that started on February 15.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: Venezuelan emigrants migrate in precarious conditions that make integration difficult in their receiving countries and impede their access to the migrant regularization process which leads to their return to Venezuela, according to research from the Observatorio de Investigaciones Sociales en Frontera (Odisef).

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: The Medellín Metro published a list of the items that passengers most frequently forgot. In 2023, 7,173 objects were left behind, only 10% of which were reclaimed by passengers.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: The same day President Daniel Noboa signed a decree for a public referendum for themes such as security, the National Assembly agreed to hold a second round of debates about the process.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: Rare earth materials have been found in the border province of Pedernales in the Dominican Republic.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: The audience remained blindfolded during the entire performance.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: Protesters rejected the disqualification of former president, Evo Morales, and demanded the resignation of the judges of the country’s highest courts.

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: While the Colombian media continues to buzz about President Gustavo Petro’s consideration for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize, it’s worth taking a closer look at why he was nominated – is he truly deserving of the Prize?

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Issue Feb 07-13 2024: Kirito ra’arõvo, a motet composed entirely in the Guaraní language, is set to debut at the BachFest Leipzig, an annual festival held in Germany known for its classical music.

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