Nicolás Maduro Claims a Dubious Third Electoral Victory as President of Venezuela


On July 28, 2024, Venezuela held its presidential election. Surprising no one, early in the morning on July 29 its Consejo Nacional Electoral declared that President Nicolás Maduro had been reelected for another six years in office. CNE Chairman Elvis Amoroso said Maduro received 51.2% after 80% of the vote was counted, representing a “strong and irreversible trend.” He added that Edmundo González Urrutia, the candidate of the united opposition, received 44.2% of the vote. The result was immediately called into question around the region, with many countries refusing to accept it as legitimate, given the Maduro regime’s refusal to allow outside observers, as well as massive repression doled out in the months before the vote. Pundits were ready with plenty of analysis.

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