Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Acknowledging that it was not “politically correct” to do so, Argentinian politician Miguel Pichetto argued that Argentina should cease to provide economic assistance to Paraguayans.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: According to the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística (IBGE), the Brazilian economy grew 2.9% in 2023, with the country generating 10.9 trillion reals in GDP.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Honduras continues to experience grave human rights challenges, including gender based violence, land disputes, and impunity, according to United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Bolsonaro is finished, but Bolsonarism remains.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: The Brazilian 1988 Constitution established a social contract under which all are equal before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity, or gender.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: While Mexico contains abundant energy resources, especially geothermal energy, the sustainable exploitation of these resources has been deficient and has not translated into a benefit for the country.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) is an annual conference in which up to ten thousand guests from various sectors of the U.S. conservative sphere participate.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Costa Esmeralda, Veracruz is known for its calm waves and is just a four-hour drive from Mexico City.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Julio Cortázar was revolutionary in the field of literature.

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Issue Feb 28-Mar 05 2024: Based off discussions at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, the distinctions between the political right and left seem to be blurring.

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