Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: For those who couldn’t go to the Quiróptera Forest Festival, don’t worry; you still have the chance to take photos with the sculptures of the giant bats in Chapultepec, because they will stay a while longer.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: Edwin Palma, vice minister of Labor Relations and Inspection, issued a strong warning against some companies in the country if the labor reform doesn’t pass in the Congress of the Republic.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: When President Luis Arce spoke about the history of the Movimiento Al Socialismo (MAS) in the Plaza Mayor, on its anniversary, some old political figures applauded him on stage.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: Panama’s National Secretary of Energy created Operación Solar, a pilot program which seeks to democratize access to solar energy in the country.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: On Tuesday, April 2, Amnesty International declared that the Dominican Republic’s immigration policies towards Haitians are a form of racial discrimination.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: Just a three-hour drive from Medellín is a town rich in culture, nature, and traditions.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: The first ladies of Argentina are being featured in an exhibition at the Museo Casa Rosada in Buenos Aires.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: Cuba is no longer able to rely on Venezuelan oil to alleviate its energy problems.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: Presented at the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup, the initiative “Football for Forests” seeks both to promote a restoration project in one of the municipalities most affected by deforestation in the Amazon, and to continue with others already underway in the same region.

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Issue Mar 27-Apr 02 2024: In his first campaign event in Montevideo, Colorado Party pre-candidate Tabaré Viera proposed a labor policy that usually comes from left-wing sectors or trade unions.

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