Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: The Amazon Network for Biodiversity Research and Innovation aims to protect biodiversity, with Ecuador’s participation facilitated by the National Biodiversity Institute (Inabio).

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Throughout the first four months of his administration, President Javier Milei’s policies have displaced over three million people into poverty and reached a cumulative inflation of 66.2%, according to Universidad Di Tella.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Morales was deposed as leader of MAS after a party congress chose Grover García to chair the political movement.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: At this time of year, the forests, mountains, and vineyards “become the protagonists” in Patagonia, Mendoza, and Córdoba.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Since he took power, Díaz-Canel has visited Russia four times.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: The entire batch of 275 bags was certified to have been grown on Costa Rican farms that, since December 2020, have not cut into forest to expand their agricultural areas.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: “There is no more violence,” says Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO), president of Mexico, though statistics show a more complicated picture.

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: On April 21, Ecuador held a referendum. The eleven questions posed by President Daniel Noboa were aimed at two overall goals: first was to strengthen the government’s hand with security measures such as allowing the extradition of Ecuadorians, the toughening of sentences against organized crime, and the creation of specialized judiciaries;

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–Researched and Written by Mikayla Kennedy— Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Alberto Fujimori, former president of Peru, has returned to the public discourse ever since his release from prison in December of 2023. Fujimori has a notorious reputation in Peru, as he committed multiple crimes while in office, including staging a self-coup and ordering the kidnapping

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Issue Apr 17-23 2024: Piggy Sooy, an Argentine biotechnological firm that manages to produce pork proteins from soybeans, obtained an unprecedented endorsement in the United States.

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