Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: International remittances increased by over 650% between 2000 and 2022, according to a report by the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: President Lula commented on the month-long strike led by federal teachers and employees, stating that the government does not have sufficient resources to meet all of their demands.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: In addition to their enormous humanitarian cost – with dozens dead, hundreds injured, and more than 200,000 displaced – the intense rainfalls afflicting the state of Rio Grande do Sul in Brazil also bring with them economic shockwaves, the full repercussions of which have yet to be fully understood.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: The start of Dilian F. Toro’s second term as governor of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, has been marred by a wave of April killings which have shaken even the violence-accustomed region.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: ‘Moderate Bolsonarist’ is a contradiction of terms; those who naively believe that Bolsonarism can coexist with democracy would do well to observe its dalliances with extreme-right parties around the world, such as Eduardo Bolsonaro’s meeting with the leadership of Germany’s ‘neo-Nazi in everything but name’ party, Alternative for Germany (AfD).

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: In recent months, United Nations executive secretary Simon Stiell celebrated that the term fossil fuels was included in the language of an international agreement, after 28 years of negotiations.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Latin America is one of the most dangerous regions in the world.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Venezuelan migrant workers in Colombia have made significant contributions to the economy.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: The “Flights of Death” were a counterinsurgency strategy conducted from 1973 to 1981, targeting individuals associated with political-military dissident groups, or guerrillas.

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Issue Apr 24-May 07 2024: Six judges are being implicated for corruption after helping hinder investigations against former Prosecutor Patricia Benavides, for helping push for the dismissal of charges against her sister Enma, and for favoring the lawyer, José Castillo Alva.

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