Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Nicolás Pérez, the president of Fedepalma, asserted that the palm oil industry is not responsible for deforestation in Colombia.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: In 2000, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) published its first yearly report observing that “there are more migrants than ever in the world.”

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Just hours away from Lima, there are various destinations to explore.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Amid rising political tensions and economic instability in Bolivia, Julio Alvarado of the National Committee for the Defense of Democracy (Conade) has condemned Evo Morales for allegedly attempting to incite unrest to regain power, instead of advocating for peaceful dialogue and collaboration among all political forces to safeguard democracy.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: The last decade has resulted in ideological and geological changes in Latin America, particularly in the realms of multipolarity and the erosion of liberal democracy.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: On June 12th, the same day that the Argentinian senate discussed the controversial Ley de Bases (Base Law) and a new fiscal package, Javier Milei participated in a forum titled, “The Rebirth of Freedom in Argentina and the World.”

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Guatemalan President Bernardo Arévalo has announced new measures to help families living in poverty in vulnerable urban and rural areas that are being affected by the high cost of living.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: The victims included a surveyor hired to measure a farm on public land, along with three local peasants involved in a land dispute with the rancher.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Upon entering the United States, thousands of migrants from Venezuela, Ecuador, Brazil, and other Latin American countries surrender at Gate 36 in El Paso, Texas.

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Issue Jun 05-11 2024: Customers at gas stations are expressing frustration over the government’s plan to deregulate gasoline prices to alleviate state subsidies.

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