Issue Jul 01-31 2024: Uruguayan graffiti emerged in the late 1980s as a response to the country’s oppressive dictatorship, with early artists using it to express political dissent and a desire for freedom.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: It has been six months since Bernardo Arévalo assumed the presidency of Guatemala, facing immediate challenges from the Legislative and Judicial branches.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: Even before assuming office, Argentinian President Javier Milei had never refrained from making apparent the contempt he felt for his Brazilian counterpart Lula da Silva.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: With flights now operating from Lima to scenic Áncash, flanked by imposing snow-capped peaks and scattered with turquoise lakes, tourists will have the opportunity to explore one of Perú’s most fascinating regions.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: Artist Ramiro Llona’s latest exhibition, “El buen lugar,” has made a place for itself at the Museo de Arte Contemporáneo in Lima.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: An enormous accumulation of garbage in the Cateura landfill now dominates the landscape of the new Costanera Sur in Asunción.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: A human trafficking organization which introduced “thousands of migrants” illegally into the country has been sanctioned by the United States, according to the U.S. Treasury Department.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: Around 200 Indigenous members of the Kogui community of Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, Colombia, have gathered since the 26th of July in the city’s Plaza de Bolívar, with the goal of demanding that the Ministry of the Interior return to them their legally recognized status, which they require to access

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: The Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) renewed its investments in the Amazônia Para Sempre program, announcing that its contributions have surpassed the US$1 billion provided in 2023, at US$4.2 billion in 2024.

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Issue Jul 01-31 2024: President of the Federación de Cámaras de Comercio (FECANANCO) in Tamaulipas and national vice secretary of the business-led public interests group CONCANACO-SERVYTUR, Julio César Almanza Armas was assassinated on the 30th of July in Matamoros, where he was shot to death after having days before spoken out against the criminal extortion

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