Dominican Today of Santo Domingo reported how the Dominican Republic’s Hotels and Tourism Association

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La Jornada of Mexico City argues that Diego Maradona led the way to Cuba when he went to the island to

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In El Universal of Mexico City Franciso Madrid Flores observed that in the 1990s there was a growing

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El Comercio of Lima reported the discovery of a Mayan stucco frieze dating from about 1400 years ago. 

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Honduras Weekly says that “it’s a drag to read the news about Honduras in the international press.” 

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El País of Montevideo noticed that in the second quarter of 2013, Uruguayans who entered Argentina through

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Across the region the Argentine primary election on August 11, 2013 (in which voter turnout topped 75%) was seen as a defeat for the forces loyal to President Cristina Fernández de Kirchner.  Though she went all out to support her hand-picked candidates, and even finagled photo opts with the Pope in Brazil, her Front for

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Retired general from the Colombian National Police, Óscar Naranja in El Tiempo of Bogotá If the indignation

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Mario Roberto Morales in El Periódico of Guatemala City There are many “progressive and politically

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Claudia Peña, Bolivinan Minister of Communication, in PáginaSIETE of La Paz The indignant in Europe,

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