La Prensa of Managua pointed out that contrary to the position of the National Police, violence in the

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Diana Escalante Milton Jaco reported in Diario de Hoy of San Salvador that El Salvador has the second

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La Razón of La Paz examined the “13 pillars” of the “Patriotic Agenda 2025,” a long range plan for the

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Cleide Carvalho argued in O Globo of Rio de Janeiro that looming trade imbalances show that Brazil has

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El Comercio of Lima reprinted a piece from El Mercurio of Chile, noting that Peru will become the fourth

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That is the prognosis of Roland Duarte, the president of the Association of Economists of Honduras (CHE),

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David Mayorga in El Espectador of Bogotá investigated Venezuela’s parallel market.  “Venezuelans,” he

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In Página/12 of Buenos Aires Alfredo Zaiat examined “resistance” to government strategies “to preserve

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That is the conclusion of an editorial in O Globo of Rio de Janeiro.  To the image of Cuba as a giant

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In El Comercio of Quito Elena Paucar explored the lives of Ecuador’s transsexuals.  She followed “Paola,”

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