El Universal of Mexico City confirmed that more than one million children and young people enrolled in

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Fohla de São Paulo noted that now a new breed of cop is on the street, and there are no more Molotov

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Panamá América of Panama City highlighted the words of Carmen Rosa Villa, the regional representative

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Elisa Medrano wrote in La Razón of La Paz that the U.S. Embassy, through its Office of Narcotics Affairs

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El Financiero of Mexico City reported that the Mexican Ambassador to the United States, Eduardo Medina

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El Nuevo Siglo of Bogotá noted somewhat incredulously that the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro,

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El Faro Magazine of El Salvador remarked on a decision by the government of President Dilma Rousseff

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According to El Mercurio of Santiago, Chilean salmon exports to the Brazilian market are “one of the

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Roger Pinto, a rightwing Bolivian Senator sought on corruption charges, escaped across the border into

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According to El Mercurio of Santiago, Colombia and Ecuador have resolved their differences at The Hague

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