Patricio Navia notes in the Buenos Aires Herald that many of Latin America’s current leaders are struggling 

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El Comercio of Quito remarked on how the former president of Mexico, Vicente Fox, believes that the late

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Prelude at the G20 Vivian Oswald remarked in O Globo of Rio de Janeiro that before embarking back

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Dominican Today of Santo Domingo reported that the Dominican navy intercepted a makeshift boat carrying

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El Diario de Hoy of San Salvador noted that the United States is the biggest consumer of Nicaraguan rum,

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El Universal of Caracas reported that Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro says that the Government of

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Honduras Weekly of Tegucigalpa noted President Porfirio “Pepe” Lobo’s call to Hondurans to “vote for

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In Proceso Magazine Sabina Berman asked “what do the teachers want?”  This was something neither the

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Isabel Becerril disclosed in El Financiero of Mexico City that in Mexico “informal” employees earn 40%

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz registered the results of a national survey of safety in Venezuela in which 36%

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