Kljkoj Máximo Ba Tiul argued in Prensa Libre of Guatemala City that in the late twentieth century many Latin Americans wanted to reform their education systems, transforming both their content and their methodology,

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Jesús Zambrano Grijalva wrote in El Universal of Mexico City that the decision by the government of Enrique Peña Nieto to push energy reform through privatization,

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Ricardo Montezuma insisted in El Tiempo of Bogotá that any national policy to control drinking and driving must also address consumption and advertising. 

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Emir Sader argued in Página/12 of Buenos Aires that the new century “has not been particularly favorable to the right in Latin America.” 

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Luís Fernando Verissimo observed in O Globo of Rio de Janeiro that “all utopias imagined up until the present day have ended in dystopias, or at least contained a fatal defect.” 

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In PáginaSIETE of La Paz Anahí Cazas reported that a Senate committee is reviewing the proposed creation of a fund to protect Bolivia’s “World Heritage” sites. 

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  La Tribuna of Tegucigalpa wrote that representatives of the National Chamber of Tourism of Honduras (CANATURH) believe that between January and March 2014 the country will receive around 13,000 tourists from Canada, the U.S., and Europe,

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DominicanToday of Santo Domingo reported that the Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism (MITUR) and the 2013 NBA Championship team, the Miami HEAT, are pleased to announce their 2013/2014 partnership.  

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The citadel of Chan Chan in the Peruvian region of La Libertad is recognized as one of the most impressive sites in the New World, observed La República of Lima. 

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So noted Alberto José Patino Mojica in El Tiempo of Bogotá.  Although it sounds like a cliché, Pijao, a town of 6,600 inhabitants located in the department of Quindio in the Central Cordillera, “seems frozen in time.” 

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