La Republica of Lima reported that President Ollanta Humala of Peru wants to be able to say, and keep saying, that “surf’s up.”  

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El Heraldo of Tegucigalpa reported that at least 44 Cubans were arrested by Honduran authorities in the department of Colón, Honduras on the Caribbean. 

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So says Santiago G. Estrella in El Comercio of Quito.  At least 200 young people gathered for two days in Quito to pass judgment on imperialism for its crimes against humanity.  

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Buenos Aires Herald.  2013 was supposed to finally be the year. After 31 months of talks, it was supposed to mark the time when the European Union and the Mercosur bloc were going to present their respective offers for a free trade deal all sides claim to want. 

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PáginaSIETE of La Paz noted that Bolivia’s vice president Alvaro García Linera said that the outlet to the Pacific Ocean from his country is a matter of  “historical justice.”

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La Prensa of Managua noted that President Raúl Castro and his Venezuelan counterpart Nicolás Maduro met in Cuba, the second meeting of the South American leader with a leader in the island in less than three days

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MercoPress of Montevideo reported that fifteen “innovation vouchers” were awarded to Chilean SMEs (small and medium enterprises) which will now begin working with project teams from the Universidad Católica, the Universidad de Desarrollo, and the Universidad de Santiago to improve their companies’ products and services. 

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Charlotte Duffield wrote in The Santiago Times that despite efforts by Chinese government officials to tamp down the market for “status-driven wine consumption,” Chilean producers are looking to capitalize on the booming middle class’ appetite for imported wines. 

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In El Nuevo Diario of Managua Luis Felipe Palacios reported that “using a well-known phrase: what Lola wants, Lola gets.” 

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Carolina Enríquez wrote in El Comercio of Quito that if Ecuador fails to finalize its trade agreement with the European Union during the next year, it will have to pay tariffs in that market. 

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