The President of Mexico, Enrique Peña Nieto, met privately with the Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, Jeh Johnson, and in a statement noted that the governments of Mexico and the United States endorsed cooperation on various topics in their comprehensive bilateral agenda. 

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Uruguay will welcome Guantanamo detainees at the request of President Obama. 

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Less than three months before the most important soccer event in the world, mass demonstrations continue throughout the country. 

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Cuba needs to attract $2 billion to $2.5 billion in foreign direct investment per year to reach its economic growth target of 7 percent, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Investment, Rodrigo Malmierca, said on Cuban state television. 

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Representatives of Latin American immigrants in the U.S. asked Pope Francis to intercede with U.S. President Barack Obama to end deportations of undocumented immigrants. 

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In early April Panama hosted the Ninth World Economic Forum for Latin America, and expected to host 600 leaders from government, industry, civil society, and academia from over fifty  countries, there to analyze the challenges facing the region. 

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The “young writer” Juan Pablo Castro Rodas has so far produced poems, novels, and essays.  Written from Quito, they are “not necessarily” about the place, but (reminiscent of Javier Vásconez, known as “the great narrator of Quito”) Castro Rodas “recognizes that there is a dialogue” that comes from “the vision he has acquired after twelve

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The “art of catching moments” appealed to the young Ismael. 

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During a tribute to Octavio Paz on his one hundredth birthday, President Enrique Peña Nieto stressed the work and legacy of the only Mexican to have been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature (1990). 

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Chile ranks high among countries with indigenous socio-environmental conflicts, largely due to major forestry plantations in Southern Chile, in the heartland of Mapuche territory.

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