The recent growth of Mexican tourism has been “extraordinary.” 

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As if problems with the delayed stadiums was not enough, and just weeks until the start of the World Cup, work on crucial new airport terminals has fallen behind in most of the dozen Brazilian host cities, heightening the risk of overcrowding and confusion during the tournament. 

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Mario Vargas Llosa defies simplistic political labels. The Nobel Prize-winning writer from Peru has built an impressive reputation as a freethinker. His recent comments in support of Peruvian President Ollanta Humala and his open criticisms of the Venezuelan government have made him a punching-bag for dogmatists on both sides of the aisle. 

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Influential theorist Ernesto Laclau, Argentine born and London-based, and a strong ideological mentor of Kirchnerism dies at 78. 

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At least 12 people were killed and 2,000 houses destroyed by a fire that devastated parts of the Chilean port city of Valparaiso, as authorities evacuated thousands and sent in aircraft to battle the blaze. 

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Most models developed by scientists indicate that El Niño will be back in a few months, with increased subsurface water temperatures in the tropical Pacific to levels that typically precede the arrival of this phenomenon. 

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Six months ago Claudio Latorre, a palaeoclimatologist at Chile’s Universidad Católica uncovered the oldest archaeological remains in northern Chile, 13 thousand years old, in the Atacama Desert. 

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A fleet of 22 “green” buses will change the scene in Bogotá, even as glaciers disappear and forests come under increasing pressure in Colombia. 

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Venezuela’s Roman Catholic Church has accused President Nicolás Maduro’s government of “totalitarian” tendencies and “brutal repression” of demonstrators during two months of political unrest that has killed several dozen people. 

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Developers say the Golfito Marina Village & Resort’s deep-water marina will accommodate “gigayachts” up to 350 feet. 

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