Quito’s Ruta de los Calvarios provides a wealth of religious art. 

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Bogotá’s international theater festival ended on a high note.   

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The Popol Vuh Museum organizes a monthly lecture on issues of archaeological or historical interest. 

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Many Colombians oppose the process with the FARC in Havana, and the candidate of former President Uribe’s Democratic Center (UDC) summarized their arguments very well; what are the reasons and how valid are they? 

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In Central America the “criminal and terrorism nexuses are maturing.” 

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Venezuela’s attorney general said Friday that prosecutors have received 145 complaints for human-rights violations by members of security forces during the last two months of anti-government protests. 

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Taxi drivers in the DR are fearful of the night. 

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President Mujica has sponsored the bill as an alternative to drugs repression which has failed worldwide. 

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Peña Nieto announced $10 million in aid for Central America. 

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Chile admits that Bolivian arguments regarding access to the Pacific are “intelligent.” 

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