The US government has begun a competitive project on reducing child labor and improving labor rights and working conditions in Honduras, “particularly in the agricultural areas of southern Honduras and in the San Pedro Sula area.” 

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Documents reveal how Brazil helped the Chilean dictatorship with the training of agents, the repression of “subversives,” and arms sales. 

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Nicaragua and Honduras broke up a logistics support base of international drug traffickers operating along their common border. 

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On the dusty streets of San Enrique de Velasco, a neighborhood on the northwest of Quito,  dozens of Haitians pass through. 

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Uruguay and Brazil are to sign an agreement to promote the development of Uruguay’s naval construction industry, which has been described as one of the fastest growing sectors of the economy. 

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Increasing growth, while fighting economic inequality, is the challenge for Panama, which is leading the pack in Latin America in curbing cigarette consumption. 

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Brazil approved a landmark Internet Rights Law while President Rousseff announced welfare reform. 

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Peruvian universities were ranked low in the latest international competitiveness rankings as the legislature debates measures for university education. 

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In mid May farmers ended their strike in southwest Colombia, but remained skeptical of the government’s plan. 

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The Chamber of Deputies approved an amendment limiting military jurisdiction in cases of crimes by military personnel against citizens so that members of the armed forces can be prosecuted in civilian courts. 

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