The three largest economies in Latin America are not feeling overly peppy. 

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Latin American nations should pursue a “productive transformative agenda” if they want to keep their rates of economic growth above 5%, said the Director of Public Policy and Competitiveness at the Development Bank of Latin America-CAF, Michael Penfold. 

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Gone are the young people who do not look at the label. 

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The Dominican Republic’s State-bank could be signaling a closer embrace of mainland China. 

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In its handling of e-waste Central America is a model for the rest of the world today, said a leading international expert. 

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Peru is the second most profitable country in the region for direct foreign investment.  President Ollanta Humala said that mining companies should help Peru reduce its dependency on metal prices. 

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The Salvadoran Ministry of Defense cannot find a key document, while the new government says it will make combating extortion a high priority. 

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Pope Francis received relatives of missing persons and victims of Operation Condor, a program started in Chile under former dictator Augusto Pinochet to repress political opposition throughout South America in the 1970s and 1980s. 

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The Guatemalan legislature has resolved: in Guatemala there was no genocide. 

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The levels of homicidal violence in Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador are higher than in some countries experiencing armed conflict. 

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